Shine In The Light of The Sun In Love

I am Christine, Lady of Light and Sound, and I am here with you today to discuss the rampage of love spreading through your planet on this day, Valentine’s Day.

For you see, there are so many of you who need a word or a phrase to anchor you in the energy of love as does this feast of St. Valentine.

And we ask the question, what if every day was Valentine’s Day? What if every day, you woke up and declared your love for all around you? What if every day you knew you were loved?

imagesFor you are and you do, Dear Ones.

And for this day, we hope you bask in the energy of love–whether you leave your home or remain snuggled in, know that the energy of love is all around you. It is in the Quantum field, and it is there waiting for you to tap into the vibration.

Notice Dear Ones, if you are able to go outside, experience the energy in the air. Hear the birds chirping, witness the skies–whether blue skies or filled with water, there is love all around you. There is joy all around you.

Bask in it, Dear Ones. Even if you cannot see or feel it, it is there. Know the truth of love.

In recognizing the vibration of love around you, you invite it into your energy field and bring it forward with you into your lives, into your homes, your relationships, your jobs/tasks.

Be not afraid to love, Dear Ones, for it is the reason you are here. To shine in the light of the sun with love.

I am yours in Love, Christine, Lady of Light and Sound

Energetic Keys: Peace & Hope

This is a message of hope for the coming year. Many are facing crises after crises, and whether it has been a few months or a few years, many souls are ready for an easing of the pressure. It is coming.

As the energy becomes more and more stabilized, people are being allowed a bit of breath to get used to the new frequencies. We are shifting into a time of hope and compassion for many.

There are those who learn from conflict and pain, and this is their path; however, the choice of peace and hope is yours to have, especially if you are reading this message.

I am embedding key codes for viewers of this message to unlock for themselves.Energetic Keys

As you read, you may be noticing a feeling of peacefulness coming over you. If you choose to experience this vibration, it is there for you to harvest any time you choose.

As you breathe, you may be noticing the pace and depth of your breath changing, and I encourage you to go with it, to sink into the relaxation of peace and calming. For when you approach the remainder of your day, you will bring this vibration of peace and hope to all that you attend.

Unite in peace with others who are reading this message of hope and who also un-tap the embedded keys. For as you breathe, so you breathe with them in peace and harmony. You are affecting the vibrational frequency of the Earth, bringing peace and hope to others who are ready to receive.

The beauty of this gift is that you both receive and give with each breath, for it is in perfect harmony. Use the vibration of your breath at any time. While you are driving. While you are sitting and relaxing. While you are living. Simply bring your consciousness to the vibrational key, and you will activate it within you and sync with the frequencies of hope and peace and love.

I am Christine, Lady of Light and Sound

The Courage to Love: Tune In, Turn On

Love VibrationWhat we will work on today is garnering strength and fortitude for loving ourselves.

It takes courage to know yourself and to love yourself unconditionally, for your mind records all words, all thoughts, all knowings that you have about yourself.  And some of you think, knowing this, how could I love myself? For you focus on fallacies.  These are not the essence of you, and it takes courage to know what you know and, yet, to love.

Indeed, some of you may see it as a leap of faith, a leap from what you believe is important to what is important: the essence of who you are.

And I say–this knowing is indeed a similar process to that which you experience with others. For others may say or do this or that in ways for which you need courage to Love them.  Forgive them.

And, yet, that courage of love is exactly what we point you to today.

For underneath the foibles is the vibration of love. And how, you may ask, do you reach that vibration of love?

And we say attune to it.  It is somewhat like tuning a radio. Look within and dial into the part of you in which the vibration of love is most accessible. Sync with it, and the feeling will open up.  For you see, the vibration of love is throughout you, within you, throughout you.  It is simply a matter of finding your way in.   And once you find your way in, it is like you can dial in further and further.

Until you find the vibration throughout and relish it in this moment, this knowing, this realization that underneath is the true vibration of who you are, the leap may seem a stretch.

And so, too, it is with others.  Once you can sync with the vibration of love within yourself, notice how you become more loving to others. That is to say, you can start on the most fundamental level of thought vibration, so that when you are connected to your vibration of love, you can perceive that there is love in others. You can call it to you learning experiences. You connect with and sync with the vibration of love that is in all of the waves around you.

And then, suddenly, notice that you love something about your home or nature, your car that you had never noticed that you loved before.  And you see, it is on your journeys, on your drives, things you may have passed hundreds of thousands of times, and yet when you have activated the vibration of love within you, you see things anew, feel things anew, experience things anew.  You know your world is a vibration of love.   And for some of you, this may take practice, and for others of you, it may come easily.

Daniel Holeman www.awakenvisions.comAnd, yet, know that to which degree you sync to the love within yourself, you open yourself up to varying levels of a new world view. To new perceptions and understandings.

Loving vibrations are all around. It is simply an issue of whether you’ve dialed in to that vibration. We encourage you to tune in, turn on, and have the courage to love yourself.

Watch Your Soul Fire

Soul on FireI was sharing a lovely visit with my friend Susan on the Chinese New Year, and Christine shared this beautiful message.  Enjoy.

You will be wanting to know more about what is in store for this new year, this new beginning, as some on your earth plane are celebrating this new year today.  And so it is we are brining to you a message of love and light and hope and praise and thanksgiving.  For all is in gratitude of everything you are and everything you hope to be, and everything you are creating in divine love.

For your friend (Susan) mentions passion and desire and will, and so it is that these emotions, these feelings, these perceptions are divine drivers of experience.  And we honor the passage of those experiences driven, fuelled by love.  As these are keen bedfellows, these emotional truths, for each of you.

And we are wanting you to know worry not over the details.  You do not have to micromanage the here tos, the wherefores, the how tos.  Immerse yourself in the feelings.  The passions of will and grace and love.

And bask, ye in the glory of these and see what ye shall create. For not bogged down in the worry of details, ye shall create the sun.  Imagine the most glorious sunsets.  Yeah, these are the qualities of beauty and light ye shall create when ye live in the house of your love.

And so it is we want you to reside within.

That is right.  We are directing you into your bodies to sit in the silence of your vibration and know the truth of that which brings you joy.  And, yes, we know you have heard it.  And, yes, we know that some of you wonder what does this mean?  How does it happen?  What really is supposed to happen?  It makes no sense.

And so we ask you now to stop in the stillness of you and imagine that your eyes look within.  We ask you to literally turn your vision, your gaze within yourself and to see that on which it falls.

Is there an area of your body that comes into your knowing?  Is there a vibration, a sound, a sensation?

Begin there.

Breathe with it.  Get to know it.  Experience it in whatever ways you can.  Allow yourself to let go.  To be.  To have no judgments.  To simply experience the presences.

And what is it?  What is this presence that calls your attention to it?  What needs attendance?  What needs attending?

Perhaps it is just to sit in the silence of vibration and breathe love with this part of yourself.

Perhaps there is a message or an alarm.  Let go of this.  Take care of that.  Release.  Forgive.  Love.

And so it is you have shown up.  And after you have attended all of the places that need noticing, what is the vibration within?  What love rises up through your heart chakra?

Are you peaceful?  At peace?  Do you have a certain clarity?  A knowing?  And when you choose to arise and open your eyes, how is it that you engage anew, afresh?

What is no longer there?  Notice the space that has opened up.

Do you suddenly have a desire to do something particular?  An interest? How does the space feel?  The space within?  Do you want to suddenly fill it with something else, or can you simply be with it and know?

This is what we mean when we suggest that you look within.  And notice the peace and tranquility that fills your vessel and thus frees your soul to align without the weight of the world. You have the energetic space to explore, to wonder, to create, to be, to know the truth of who you are.

This is all I have to say to you today.  Open your soul to peace and love and ignite the will, the passion, and the grace that flames and fuels your future.  Your New Year.

Know that you can create all your heart desires.  Bury not yourself in earthly thoughts of I can’t. It’s not possible.  How on Earth could I possibly . . ..  Forget all of this rubbish and begin within.

Ignite your unbridled passion and desire and watch your soul fire.


Align With the Source of Your Soul, All There Is

photoWe are wanting you to know that you are neither here nor there. Neither up nor down. Neither right nor wrong. For there is no position except that which you perceive in your time space continuum. This is not the truth of who you are. The truth of who you are is vibration and light.

Even that which you perceive as negative is vibration and, thus, light. And so you are dallying around the questions of is this right? Is this wrong? Is this good? Is this bad? And these are not the questions that allow you to attain that which you most desire: Love.

Consider questions of how does this feel? What does this feel like inside of me? Is this what I want to feel? What do I want to feel? For you see, the answer is not the same for each and every person. For the answers are as unique as people in the world. For your soul may want to align with peace and love and joy, and yet the way your soul chooses to align is through the discovery of dramas you play out in your lives with others who are choosing to learn with you. For you see, your soul may desire the feeling of anger nee frustration for the sake of experiencing extreme joy. (Image of a pimple popping– the explosion is an ecstatic release.)

For you see, sometimes it is through the comparisons of vibrations, the contrasts of vibrations through which you learn. And for how can this be good or bad, right or wrong? For it is the vibrational experience through which your soul aligns.

And for the sake of this discussion, let us choose to focus on aligning with your soul purpose.

Do you truly know that which you want or are you simply aligning with that which appears present in your life? Have you merely been caught up in the vibrational flow of everything around you: people, places, environments, things? Or have you sat in the seat of your soul? Consciously searched, aligned with your passion and imagined bringing that to life? And if all you can do is dream it, fantasize, visualize, consider, explore, learn, discuss, taste, experience, then begin there and experience the joy of it.

For you see, through the immersion of your consciousness in whatever level of engagement your current life seems to allow, you are able to create the energy pathways through which your soul vibration can shine and align.

And this is what we are encouraging you to do on this day of love.

As the energy is shifting in the next few weeks, we are encouraging you to know what your soul wants to bloom and encourage you to give this gift to yourself. And to know that at whatever level of your experience you find yourself, you can align closer and closer and closer to your divine soul energy–the source of your love for yourself and all there is.

And so it is.


Seeds of Love

Are you readyRecently, I was working with a client, and the message that came through was so beautiful that I wanted to share with everyone.  My client graciously offered the story for the blog.  Thanks so much! 

My client said she’d received many indications that her grandmother was trying to give her a message and asked if I could find out what Grandma Mary was trying to tell her.

Grandma Mary asked:  What are you planting in your life?  Then she flashed pictures of a row in a garden being planted.  Each seed being placed in the soil, pressed down, and covered up.  Then she stood back and watched the plants grow.  Some grew and some didn’t.  Grandma Mary looked at my client and asked:  What are you planting with love?  Then she turned back to look at the field of crops.  Some of the plants were growing and some weren’t.  There was just a blank space.

My client admitted that she was doing some things without love.

Then Grandma Mary flashed a picture of my client casting seeds, as if she were spinning in a circle.  She asked:  How much are you planting?

My client admitted she’s doing many things.  Some she does with complete love and joy.  Then after reflection, she said, and I’m doing some things with love, but I am frustrated that others aren’t helping me.

There’s a rub. 

I know in my own life, I’ve committed to a lot of things, and I was doing them with all of my heart.  And after a while, it frustrated me that others weren’t participating in what I perceived as wholeheartedly. I don’t really know how to do things half-heartedly. And I had moments in which I felt I was carrying the load.  My issue wasn’t with the other people.  It was with myself.  You see, I was committed to so many things and doing them all with a full heart, and I was committed to too many things, so I was tired.  Out of balance. When I am committed wholeheartedly in a balance manner, I never notice what others are or aren’t doing because I am moving forward in love of self, in love of what I’m doing, in love with others, in love with the world.  

I asked my client:  Why does it bother you that others aren’t helping as you wish they would? Do you want to commit to this thing?  Are you committed to too many things?  Are you committed in balance with love for yourself? 

She admitted that in one area of her life, she was doing too much.  Then she had an epiphany, saying:  I really love two events.  I’d like to commit to chair those events and allow someone else to step up for leadership on the board.

What fantastic clarity! 

Grandma Mary then said, I decide what I’m going to do.  Then she flashed a picture of her pressing her lips together in a firm smile, and she made me feel how grounded she was to that spot, to the Earth—to what she wants.  It was clear–no one was going to push Grandma Mary into doing something she couldn’t do with love.  Then she walked back to her garden to plant with love.

Grandma Mary provided a wonderful reflection for all of us.

What are you “planting” in your life without love?  Is this what you want to plant your energy in?  Will this energy/effort grow, bear fruit for you?  Have you scattered your energy seeds too thin?  How does this affect you?  Can you shift—choose to plant everything in your life with love, no matter what others invest?

Do others move you to plant seeds you don’t want to plant?  Is this energy working for you? Do you resent investing energy in plants that will never bear fruit for you? Is this where you want to plant your energy?

Do you have the courage to plant only what you can infuse with love?

What do you plant with wholehearted love?  How does it grow, energize you?  How does it fill your life with love?

My husband has always been a gardener.  When we were first married, I always thought of spring as the time for planting.  April showers bring May flowers, right?  He always wanted to do major planting in the Fall.  He taught me that Fall is a great time for planting too, especially trees and other plants that appreciate time to get their roots settled and acclimated and energy stored up over the Fall and Winter, so that in spring, they are fully rooted in the soil and share the most magnificent blooming in Spring. He showed me that what we plant in Fall really comes to life in Spring.

Grandma Mary reminds us that planting our lives with love is essential to growth. What seeds of love do you want to plant this Fall? 

Thanks, Grandma Mary, for this beautiful message.

Join the Revolution of Love: Stand With Yourself in Love

The Resonance Project Resonance.isWhether you are weathering storms or floating through your life with joy and ease, know that you are exploring the world and yourself. Feel fully into each phase of being, whether joy or sadness. Whether work or play. Whether pain or fun. In each experience, you are opening up the fullness of who you are.

Relish each experience as with each, you are able to feel your vibrational alignment expand.  When you are in peace and love and joy and pleasure and fun, the alignment feels so graceful. It occurs with ease.  Flow simply carries you along, and you delight in the experiences.

What would happen if you would choose to open to the fullness of all experiences without judgment? To experience pain or sadness with the fullness of heart that you allow for joy and peace. How might the experiences you judge as not so great change if you simply flowed into them without judgments?  Might you be able to experience the shift or change, the new perception with a lighter sense of ease?

Does the pain of loss allow you to witness other’s loss with a more full heart? Notice how each experience shifts you to love. How do you return to love from each experience? For every experience in the range of experiences, the 360 degree circle of experiences, allows you to return to love–to be in love with yourself and others.  And sometimes the journey takes a while. And so it is. And when you return to the place when you have love in your heart once again, notice, feel into it, see how your heart space has actually expanded and allowed you to feel more joy, peace, love, balance.  Each experience holds the opportunity for opening your heart center and more vibrations of love. It (the vibration of love, the experience of love) becomes more all-encompassing as you allow love to permeate all experiences.

So what is hurt, but the desire for love?

For what is pain, but the desire for love?

For what is anger or frustration but the desire for love?

Underneath each emotion is the passion, the calling out, the reaching for love. In each moment, you can love yourself. The need for anger or pain or frustration, the feeling of loss simply tumbles from, reveals love. The more love of self registers, the more love of others registers with you. It seems a simple equation, and yet we know in our lives it can be far from simple to process.

How am I loving myself in this moment?

Are you, indeed, loving yourself? Or are you, indeed, expecting the love of others to fill you before you fill yourself with the love of self? For what love have you invested in yourself?  Have you allowed yourself the time, the energy, the resources to do that which you love to do, that which you do simply for yourself? How many moments of your day were invested in you?

Reach for the bucket and fill yourself up first. Start in the morning by awakening to the idea that I LOVE YOU.

I love myself. I am love. I am filled with love.

Can you see the love in yourself? Can you imagine it on a quantum level vibrating within you? Simply bringing your consciousness of your being to the love that resides within you and labeling it love for self–knowing it as love of self—shifts and changes so many dynamics.

And, yes, it may take a while to experience the shift of vibration of loving yourself in your own cells to loving yourself in your physical life. And yet speaking with self-love shifts so much and involves no one but you. No one but you and your thoughts, feelings and emotions. Your being. Simply acknowledge yourself for being alive.

Thank you, I love you. I am love. I feel love. I know love. I vibrate love. I love myself.

I am love.

Make these thoughts and then watch as the energy flows in your day. You may notice that you choose the 15 minutes of spare time you have to invest in yourself–to read or to play, to enjoy, to watch, to feel, to know yourself in some way. And filling yourself with love 10 or 15 minutes instead of choosing to give that time to others may appear as selfishness, and yet, dear one, in the long run, that investment in self will pay off ten-fold for the love you have for others.  For as you invest in the love of yourself, you’re less quick to angst, to anger, or to be frustrated with others. For when you can give to yourself, you need not others to fill your chalice or express disappointment. For as you build yourself up with love, you need not a crutch of what others do to lift you up.

And so we ask you to start here today: Imagining love in every one of your cells. Knowing the truth–that every cell in your body loves you. Is love. Loves seeing you. Loves being you. And as you acknowledge the love that exists in every cell, as you become conscious of this love that resides in you, you shift the world–not only for yourself but for all to experience love.

Join the revolution of love. Stand with yourself in love and be your number one.

Be your “I am Love.”

Love: Quantum-Ness That Holds Everything

In response to the post Vibrational Allowing about a month ago, the following question was asked.  I feel this message also expands on the message You Are The New Frontier.  You may want to reread those in relation to reading this one. Enjoy.

How can one know the differences between the daily experience and the signs that arise that indicate the directional shift?

Fractal vision backgroundBut are they different? It is through your daily experience that signs arise. It is through the signs that arise that your daily experience emerges.

This is a chicken or egg question.

It is the exploration between the physical and non physical.

Does the experience give bloom to the divine message? Or does the message drive the daily experience? All is energy flow. They are at once. The same. It is simply a matter of what your consciousness perceives first that informs your notion of cause and affect. Energy is always there. It is simply a matter of what you bring your consciousness to first.

Whether you notice, I did this and then this happened, or this happened and then I did this.

This [perception] is an issue of understanding.

You are being guided through a shift that is so dramatic that it is confusing. We ask you to take your consciousness to the very beings of your cells. The atomic, the subatomic level.

We ask you to allow the unpacking of digital data and coding to arise. Unfold. We ask you to notice the unfolding consciously and to be aware of the full messages that flow within you. You have been given knowledge to heal on the quantum level, and you have not fully unpacked the information, so it is as if you are firing on half cylinders when the power to run on a full engine is within you.

Simone describes what she sees:  I see you looking into your body after you’ve allowed these cells to unpack and unfold. It’s like they are in these honeycomb-shaped packages that open up like those little toys that are called transformers. So the cells open up but not like a box. More like a transformation. It is definitely in honeycomb shapes, and they magically transform as if every surface transforms into some other surface. A dodecahedron-shaped cell turns into a star tetrahedron structure.

Simone can see your consciousness holding space for the unfolding of the transformer to occur, allowing for the new cells, or unpacked information, and then she is just watching them work, and they work so differently than cells used to work. I’m being shown an image that is like a movie in a science class and like Disney world in the body video when it shows the cells moving forward, in and out, jockeying like they are on a freeway, and it (the image) shifts from that to a dimensional energy if you can imagine that freeway like jockeying of movement blowing up dimensionally. A blood vessel like a freeway and everything pops up and its more like a swirling energy, that doesn’t just move forward, but it moves on multiple planes, spinning and swirling, in a geometrical way. And the colors, at first were red, greens and blue, but in the second image, as cells pop up dimensionally, the colors are more like the colors that you would see in a bubble. The shades are constantly changing into other shades and sparkling and then going into other shades. Then transforming into a swirl, and a wave of energy.

And as you are noticing this with your conscious mind, you are getting a download of energy. It is like type written text that is scrolling through your brain. It is like claircognizance. It [the text, the information] is just flowing in like a ticker tape, just downloading.

If you want to capture it, you have the potential to just observe it and memorize/know, but you also have the ability to type, as if in dictation.

You can also use these tapes, these downloads, to heal others as well. Just sharing this information you will be radiating this new light. As you radiate this new light you will have the consciousness that once I was that, and now I am this. You know that you can now do these other things that you couldn’t really do before. It is all just there like magic. And the whole time I am watching you, your whole body is just glowing light.

Many people have experienced similar downloads or upgrades in their cellular structures and have yet to open the quantum information packets. Some don’t know they even exist. Others know of the existence but have not perceived themselves at that level capable or special enough. Anyone who is finding this information has to some degree or another received, integrated energy that may still be untapped.

I encourage you all to allow for your quantum-ness to unfold, to unpack, to come alive and shine from within you.

For some of you, this will shift your energy into a noticeable glow. Some of you will become conscious of information, knowledge, and new experiences. That is to say that you will engage with the allowing in different ways. The manifestations within you will blossom in distinct ways, distinct, yet nonetheless powerful in and of its own right.

Know this. There is no one way. There is no textbook case. While there may be some similar flows here and there, you are receiving the light of your own divineness, distinct in its beauty and its love. Love none the less.

Love is an interesting quality as its manifestations are as diverse as kaleidoscopes swirling, and yet no matter the manifestation, the vibration of love is distinct and known and felt and seen or noticed.

And so it is.

We encourage you to notice the vibration of love everywhere you are as it is there. It is showing me the vibration of love is on the cellular level of everything. Love is the quantumness that holds everything, energetic structure of all energy and movement.

Always there are various shades.

Sometimes it is in me. Sometimes it’s the super structure and always present. It is just a matter of being present and noticing it (the vibration of love). This is what we want you to know.


Love, Abundance & Detachment

Love to the Infinite PowerI was working with Renee Rose on manifesting, discussing marketing options for an upcoming book. I noticed some drag with one of the options that she was working with.  I asked her, “what’s the resistance?”  She said, ”I don’t know.  I’m detached from the outcome.”

As I’m listening to her, I start to see the energy of her relationship with the option. She is detached from the outcome, and the way that shows up energetically is that her energy and the energy of the marketing opportunity are distinct, not engaged in any way.

Hmm . . .

As I share this image with Renee, I have the understanding of situations when we want something but we say it doesn’t matter if it happens or not.  When we feel detached, we are detached.

So, I asked Renee to love the option—to connect with it and love it.  And then it came alive.

Renee didn’t believe she was in resistance, but, in fact, detachment was resistance. Renee said, “I thought I was letting go, letting God,” but she realized the detachment was actually “to protect myself from rejection.” It was fear based.

In other words, it was resistance.

I understood.  Renee was thinking about submitting a book to certain reviewers’ sites, so what she was contemplating would be really “putting herself out there.” Fear is understandable.

When she connected with the opportunity and then started sending it love, the vision came to life. Renee’s energy harmonized with the energy of the opportunity.  There was flow and harmony. Peace.  An overwhelming feeling of love.

“That’s it,” I said. Then I asked her, “how do you feel?”

“Great,” she says.

“How do you feel when you think about submitting?”


We both realized that love is the ultimate detachment.  Through love, detachment is not about protection or fear.  It is about knowing that whatever happens love remains.  When we send love to what we want, engage with it at the purest level and harmonize with love, outcome truly does not matter. Harmonizing through love was the ultimate success; whatever happened, Renee knew it would be in her perfect and highest good.

It is through love that genuine detachment is achieved, and what better way to open to the abundance and magic of the universe?

Many thanks to Renee for wanting to share this story with others!
