Align With the Source of Your Soul, All There Is

photoWe are wanting you to know that you are neither here nor there. Neither up nor down. Neither right nor wrong. For there is no position except that which you perceive in your time space continuum. This is not the truth of who you are. The truth of who you are is vibration and light.

Even that which you perceive as negative is vibration and, thus, light. And so you are dallying around the questions of is this right? Is this wrong? Is this good? Is this bad? And these are not the questions that allow you to attain that which you most desire: Love.

Consider questions of how does this feel? What does this feel like inside of me? Is this what I want to feel? What do I want to feel? For you see, the answer is not the same for each and every person. For the answers are as unique as people in the world. For your soul may want to align with peace and love and joy, and yet the way your soul chooses to align is through the discovery of dramas you play out in your lives with others who are choosing to learn with you. For you see, your soul may desire the feeling of anger nee frustration for the sake of experiencing extreme joy. (Image of a pimple popping– the explosion is an ecstatic release.)

For you see, sometimes it is through the comparisons of vibrations, the contrasts of vibrations through which you learn. And for how can this be good or bad, right or wrong? For it is the vibrational experience through which your soul aligns.

And for the sake of this discussion, let us choose to focus on aligning with your soul purpose.

Do you truly know that which you want or are you simply aligning with that which appears present in your life? Have you merely been caught up in the vibrational flow of everything around you: people, places, environments, things? Or have you sat in the seat of your soul? Consciously searched, aligned with your passion and imagined bringing that to life? And if all you can do is dream it, fantasize, visualize, consider, explore, learn, discuss, taste, experience, then begin there and experience the joy of it.

For you see, through the immersion of your consciousness in whatever level of engagement your current life seems to allow, you are able to create the energy pathways through which your soul vibration can shine and align.

And this is what we are encouraging you to do on this day of love.

As the energy is shifting in the next few weeks, we are encouraging you to know what your soul wants to bloom and encourage you to give this gift to yourself. And to know that at whatever level of your experience you find yourself, you can align closer and closer and closer to your divine soul energy–the source of your love for yourself and all there is.

And so it is.


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