Greetings Dear Ones,
And so it is we begin anew today, yet again.
There are always these series of beginnings anew even though you do not see your life as some completely beginning anew because you are in the trajectory of the physical form. There are indeed a series of cycles that begin anew.
(Christine shows all these circles, and I can see where the circles start and end, and another circle just pops up. It is like a neon light goes around the circle, and I can see the completion of the cycle, and then it just pops to another cycle.)
One challenge many of you face is you bring the detritus of past experiences into the new cycle of life, the new cycle of learning.
I encourage you to cleanse, to shed to release the experiences of the past and begin anew today. It is as if you are being baptized in the Light of Spirit today for a new phase of your experience, a new phase of your journey. And I encourage you to receive the Light that I am now bestowing on you.
(I see Light streaming down.)
You are Baptized in the Light, washing from you all non-essential experiences. It is not that these experiences do not live in you, but what the Light allows you to do is set them down so that you can begin this cycle with a fresh clean, clear perspective of what you want to create as you move forward in this Circle of Light, Consciousness.
Begin anew today, Dear Ones. Apply yourself as newborn babes with the openness of Spirit and Consciousness eager to see, to feel, to learn, to grow, to experience your environments with the freshness of a child, with the love fresh in your hearts unimpeded by hurt or pain or sorrow.
It is as if your flower has bloomed again.
(Christine showed me this really beautiful Amarylis Bulb. It was a really big bulb, and it bloomed its really glorious red blossom. She was showing me that the Amarylis blooms again, and each time it blooms again, it is a brand new perfect expression of the bulb. But when that new flower blooms, you don’t see any evidence of a harsh winter or a dry winter or a hot winter, what you see is the perfect expression of itself in that cycle.
Create the conditions now that you may bloom again.
And be in love with your creations, adore it/them like you would this divine flower. Notice your creation of light as the perfection that it is.
There are many stages of growth of the Amarylis.
(Christine shows me the green starts to pop out of the bulb, and she shows me in slow motion the different stages of growth, and she shows me that in some moments if you slowed it down in slow-motion photography, in some moments, it wouldn’t be beautiful. It would be distorted and ugly until it unfolds, but ultimately what happens is the bloom is in all its Glory. The stalk is amazing. It is strong. Its green is so green. It is so vibrant. It breathes and participates in the energetic Cycle of LIfe.
This is what I want you to know today, Dear Ones, that you are starting anew.
Bring into Light the Bloom of all that you want to experience.
I AM Christine, Lady of Light and Sound