A few weeks ago, I noticed the wind shifting directions ever so slightly. That’s the signal for me that Fall is soon to follow. From the moment I notice the shift in the wind, other signs quickly follow. I notice there’s not so much bird song in the morning and that it’s dark when I getting home. The temperatures start to drop.
I love Fall. I love the exhale that the shifting temperatures bring. I love the shifts in nature.
I find myself turning inward, tuning into the rhythms. Seeing what’s ready to release. Noticing the pulse of what’s to come.
Fall, for me, is like the space between the inhale and the exhale breath. It’s the time when I reflect on what I’m letting go of and what I am drawing into me. And just as that space between breaths lifts me up, lightens me, allows possibility, so does Fall.
My husband has always been a gardener, and when we were first married, he said to me, “Fall is the time for planting.” His reason was that when you plant something in early fall, it has the time to establish its root system and then it stores energy for spring. Then when spring comes, the plant has the opportunity for growth.
And so it is with me. I plant the seeds of desire in Fall when I go inward with love and gratitude for all that I have experienced and admiration for how all of my experiences have created desires within me.
Where do you find yourself this Fall? Are you going within? Are you a Fall bloomer–are you bringing forth a current creation? What are your natural patterns?
We don’t all experience seasons in the same way. No matter how you are shifting with the onset of Fall, are you conscious of your patterns? Do you know what you want? I just read an article on how learning experiences are exponentialized when the learner consciously intends to learn. Whatever you want, wherever you are, are you consciously engaged? Are you intending, creating consciously?
I sure hope so!