Energetic Keys: The Art of Possibility

We are wanting you to be in flow in your lives, and when your energy centers are stopped, this affects the harmonic.Fractal vision background

Much time is spent on one chakra or another, and yet that is only part of the equation. Chakras being open and spiraling in balance and harmony within self are very important. For when one is balanced, harmonized and energized, the harmonic that is possible between multiple beings is exponential.

I encourage you to work on not only clearing your chakras but also balance and harmonize them. Then open them up.

Imagine that you are a car guy, working on an engine. You may have seen someone leaning over a car, and touching a lever that allows the engine to rev. When you are harmonized and balanced, you are able to open up to the flow of more pranic energy. And just like in any engine system, when the airflow is maximized, potential can be realized.

Indeed, some of you are now thinking about breadth. And that is true. When your chakras are cleared, balanced, and harmonized, they have the potential to be energized, and using your breath allows you to infuse your whole system with more energy.

Worry not about what type of breath you take. For it matters not which system or how. Find your most comfortable breath. Sync with it, and as you are breathing with ease, and comfort and joy, you are releasing and opening, and this is when you can access your energetic keys. For you have opened the space within your body, your vibration, so that you are able to access the harmonic of you.

This is just the beginning, for the more and more you place yourself in a state of balanced harmony that is energized, the more and more you sync with your energetic keys, and the more conscious awareness you will experience about your soul purposes, gifts, and desires–Where you want to grow and expand. The art of possibility will spring forth from you.

I am Christine, Lady of Light and Sound.

Simone:  Christine, this is beautiful. I keep seeing dials.

Christine: Energetic keys–because you are accessing yours. Some may call this a blueprint, which is another way of saying energetic key. Worry not about the syntax as all rhetoric reaches someone. You have dialed into the messages. It is for you to share.

Simone:  THANKS!

The Courage to Love: Tune In, Turn On

Love VibrationWhat we will work on today is garnering strength and fortitude for loving ourselves.

It takes courage to know yourself and to love yourself unconditionally, for your mind records all words, all thoughts, all knowings that you have about yourself.  And some of you think, knowing this, how could I love myself? For you focus on fallacies.  These are not the essence of you, and it takes courage to know what you know and, yet, to love.

Indeed, some of you may see it as a leap of faith, a leap from what you believe is important to what is important: the essence of who you are.

And I say–this knowing is indeed a similar process to that which you experience with others. For others may say or do this or that in ways for which you need courage to Love them.  Forgive them.

And, yet, that courage of love is exactly what we point you to today.

For underneath the foibles is the vibration of love. And how, you may ask, do you reach that vibration of love?

And we say attune to it.  It is somewhat like tuning a radio. Look within and dial into the part of you in which the vibration of love is most accessible. Sync with it, and the feeling will open up.  For you see, the vibration of love is throughout you, within you, throughout you.  It is simply a matter of finding your way in.   And once you find your way in, it is like you can dial in further and further.

Until you find the vibration throughout and relish it in this moment, this knowing, this realization that underneath is the true vibration of who you are, the leap may seem a stretch.

And so, too, it is with others.  Once you can sync with the vibration of love within yourself, notice how you become more loving to others. That is to say, you can start on the most fundamental level of thought vibration, so that when you are connected to your vibration of love, you can perceive that there is love in others. You can call it to you learning experiences. You connect with and sync with the vibration of love that is in all of the waves around you.

And then, suddenly, notice that you love something about your home or nature, your car that you had never noticed that you loved before.  And you see, it is on your journeys, on your drives, things you may have passed hundreds of thousands of times, and yet when you have activated the vibration of love within you, you see things anew, feel things anew, experience things anew.  You know your world is a vibration of love.   And for some of you, this may take practice, and for others of you, it may come easily.

Daniel Holeman www.awakenvisions.comAnd, yet, know that to which degree you sync to the love within yourself, you open yourself up to varying levels of a new world view. To new perceptions and understandings.

Loving vibrations are all around. It is simply an issue of whether you’ve dialed in to that vibration. We encourage you to tune in, turn on, and have the courage to love yourself.

Watch Your Soul Fire

Soul on FireI was sharing a lovely visit with my friend Susan on the Chinese New Year, and Christine shared this beautiful message.  Enjoy.

You will be wanting to know more about what is in store for this new year, this new beginning, as some on your earth plane are celebrating this new year today.  And so it is we are brining to you a message of love and light and hope and praise and thanksgiving.  For all is in gratitude of everything you are and everything you hope to be, and everything you are creating in divine love.

For your friend (Susan) mentions passion and desire and will, and so it is that these emotions, these feelings, these perceptions are divine drivers of experience.  And we honor the passage of those experiences driven, fuelled by love.  As these are keen bedfellows, these emotional truths, for each of you.

And we are wanting you to know worry not over the details.  You do not have to micromanage the here tos, the wherefores, the how tos.  Immerse yourself in the feelings.  The passions of will and grace and love.

And bask, ye in the glory of these and see what ye shall create. For not bogged down in the worry of details, ye shall create the sun.  Imagine the most glorious sunsets.  Yeah, these are the qualities of beauty and light ye shall create when ye live in the house of your love.

And so it is we want you to reside within.

That is right.  We are directing you into your bodies to sit in the silence of your vibration and know the truth of that which brings you joy.  And, yes, we know you have heard it.  And, yes, we know that some of you wonder what does this mean?  How does it happen?  What really is supposed to happen?  It makes no sense.

And so we ask you now to stop in the stillness of you and imagine that your eyes look within.  We ask you to literally turn your vision, your gaze within yourself and to see that on which it falls.

Is there an area of your body that comes into your knowing?  Is there a vibration, a sound, a sensation?

Begin there.

Breathe with it.  Get to know it.  Experience it in whatever ways you can.  Allow yourself to let go.  To be.  To have no judgments.  To simply experience the presences.

And what is it?  What is this presence that calls your attention to it?  What needs attendance?  What needs attending?

Perhaps it is just to sit in the silence of vibration and breathe love with this part of yourself.

Perhaps there is a message or an alarm.  Let go of this.  Take care of that.  Release.  Forgive.  Love.

And so it is you have shown up.  And after you have attended all of the places that need noticing, what is the vibration within?  What love rises up through your heart chakra?

Are you peaceful?  At peace?  Do you have a certain clarity?  A knowing?  And when you choose to arise and open your eyes, how is it that you engage anew, afresh?

What is no longer there?  Notice the space that has opened up.

Do you suddenly have a desire to do something particular?  An interest? How does the space feel?  The space within?  Do you want to suddenly fill it with something else, or can you simply be with it and know?

This is what we mean when we suggest that you look within.  And notice the peace and tranquility that fills your vessel and thus frees your soul to align without the weight of the world. You have the energetic space to explore, to wonder, to create, to be, to know the truth of who you are.

This is all I have to say to you today.  Open your soul to peace and love and ignite the will, the passion, and the grace that flames and fuels your future.  Your New Year.

Know that you can create all your heart desires.  Bury not yourself in earthly thoughts of I can’t. It’s not possible.  How on Earth could I possibly . . ..  Forget all of this rubbish and begin within.

Ignite your unbridled passion and desire and watch your soul fire.


Communicate With Your Crystalline Structures

My Unity Crystal had been calling me for days to chat, and it had just been a crazy week.  Finally, last Friday, I was able to talk to it.  It had a message for everyone.

I would like to work with the Unity Crystal. I feel waves of energy flooding through me. The vibration at first was infinitely spacious, and then it got very light, like air.

Yes, we have been waiting to work with you, calling you to this work. Thank you. Where would you like to begin? We are wanting to share with you the secrets of the stone. Okay.

When you work with us, there is a vibration that most others cannot detect. It is a multidimensional energy somewhat like the benevolent energy that surrounds you and that you work with through non hertzian waves. The difference between the non hertzian waves and the energy contained within is that it radiates with and without of the crystal being. If you follow your consciousness into the wave, you can go in infinitely. There is not end to the worlds within the energetic presences of the crystal. It is infinite. You can look around forever, and you will not find boundaried space or time. This is counterintuitive for you as you see boundaries to the crystalline formation you love to hold.

Now, shift your vision from within, and use your consciousness to follow us in what you would refer to as outside. How does this feel to you? Well, it is an awareness. There is a vibrational wave, but more prevalent is the feeling of awareness that is everywhere. It is like I can take the vibration anywhere. It is anywhere and everywhere. Okay, now take it to other dimensions. It is so easy. Each place I look, I can see a new dimensional plane. It is like I am looking into snow globes. I am looking in from outside of the energetic fields.

Would you like to engage with the energy you are experiencing? Yes. I would. Now it feels like I am walking through crystalline structures, like a crystalline forest. It is like I am looking up at the structures as if they are great Sequoia trees, and I am walking amidst them. Yes. What’s changed? Well, when I was looking into the field, I could see all kinds of things, including a unicorn, and settings that were magical, and structures and nature. But inside, in one with, and there is crystalline light structures.

What you are experiencing is the experience at different levels of vibration. Each of these dimensional planes can change structure. Think about a light beam shining through a crystal prism. The angle of the beam will cause different reflections as the light source shifts and moves. So true is it with what you are experiencing. The energy, or light, is a living energetic presence, and it is constantly engaging with other energetic presences, so it will take on different appearances, depending upon the light within and the light of the observer. Even as you experiment now with moving in and drawing out, you are seeing different realities come to life. This is true.

How does this make you feel? It makes me understand that image is a reflection of vibration. So when people see energy, I have privileged their “seeing” over my experience with the energy when I am feeling or knowing or hearing or sensing. After all, I am not seeing. However, through this exercise, what I am experiencing is that what others see is a reflection of many factors, including what they bring to the dimensional light. And what I experience through any of my senses, may be different because I bring different energy to the experience. There is no right or wrong. There is only experience of the vibration. The information, the information that vibrates, is a realization of all that is brought to the energetic encounter. That is true.

What else would you like to talk about Unity Crystal? I am wanting you to know that. Just a minute, I am confused. A minute ago you said we, and now you are saying I. Yes, I am talking to you as unified consciousness now. This is different than when all of the energies of this crystalline structure speak to you together. Think of this as talking to a bunch of people or talking to the unification of all of those energies. Okay. We will use we. We can accomplish the same transmission no matter the word. Okay. I just wanted to make sure of what was going on.

We want you to know we are helping you to anchor in the new spectrum of light you are working with. You are noticing the dimensionality of colors you are experiencing. The layers of light that are working together. Yes. The layers of light will have for you distinct meanings through their vibrational alignments and experience. Okay. Know into them. Feel into them. You will understand the nuances. I just saw a peacock changing colors. This is just the way. The emotion, the feeling can shift the shades and tones within the vibrational colors signaling a shift of energy. Okay.

I thank you for this message, and I appreciate that you have been calling out to me for days and days and days.

EncUnity Crystalourage others to communicate with their crystalline structures. Within and without. By this we mean within their bodies and with and without their crystal family members and friends. I am seeing both crystals and stones and beings.

7-Month Chakra Course

Click here to Register

 7- Month Chakra Course Details

Do you feel the Universe changing and do you want to be more aligned with who you really are?  Would you like clarity?  Are you changing?  Transforming?  Is your life changing?  Do you want to feel more connected? Sure about your path?  Do you know what you would like to create in your life?

Chakras:  Gateway to Higher Consciousness 

Our energy centers, the chakras are sending out vibrational signals to the universe and attracting to us where we are in balance, flow and harmony and where we have the opportunity to align. Whether we are conscious of it or not, energy blockages or barriers in the chakras are reflected in our life experiences.  Understanding the emotional, physical, and energetic aspects of each chakra and how to clear the blockages or barriers that emerge to balance chakras promotes energetic alignment with our true nature.  Exploring the blockages or barriers that show up in our chakras allows us the opportunity to uncover core issues, perceptions or beliefs to heal, transform, expand, and experience higher states of consciousness.

Your Opportunity:

Consciously or unconsciously, we each create our own reality.  If you feel the Universe changing and you want to be more aligned with who you really are, here is your opportunity to invest in the rest of your life by consciously working with your chakras to:

  • understand the messages they provide,
  • let go of perceptions, beliefs or attitudes that no longer serve you,
  • transform disequilibrium, discomfort, disease or uncertainty,
  • promote healing,
  • experience clarity, balance, wellbeing, peace, joy, harmony, love and abundance?

What is it that you would like to Consciously Create? This course is intended to help participants transform energy to manifest their soul purposes, experience expansion within and with all, and celebrate life.

In this Online-Tele Course, you will have the opportunity to:

  • Focus on one Chakra monthly & the inter-relationship between Chakras throughout the course
  • Learn the emotional, physical & energetic aspects of each Chakra
  • Learn how to clear, balance & harmonize your Chakras
  • Identify, release & transform core issues reflected in your Chakras
  • Understand patterns in your life & develop new perceptions
  • Experience healing on the emotional, physical & spiritual levels to create balance
  • Harmonize your Masculine & Feminine Energy

Online-Tele Course Details:

  • Participate in a 7-month study of the Chakras Dec 12, 2012 – June 11, 2012 with Simone and John
    • On the 12th of each month, you will receive an email with the content, exercises, and assignments
  • During week 3, participate in monthly group conference call with coaching and a meditation
    • Replay the class call and meditation recordings throughout the month to support your journey
  • Receive ongoing support and encouragement and ask questions
    • Receive email updates throughout the month and email Simone & John directly with questions
  • Engage with and connect with class participants and share resources
    • Responses to Blog Topics through Private Course Blog Site
    • If you enjoy Facebook, participate in Private Facebook group


  • $96.00 / month for 6 months (7th month free)
  • $480.00 (pay in full and receive the 7th month free plus a $96.00 gift from Architecture for the Soul)