Seeds of Love

Are you readyRecently, I was working with a client, and the message that came through was so beautiful that I wanted to share with everyone.  My client graciously offered the story for the blog.  Thanks so much! 

My client said she’d received many indications that her grandmother was trying to give her a message and asked if I could find out what Grandma Mary was trying to tell her.

Grandma Mary asked:  What are you planting in your life?  Then she flashed pictures of a row in a garden being planted.  Each seed being placed in the soil, pressed down, and covered up.  Then she stood back and watched the plants grow.  Some grew and some didn’t.  Grandma Mary looked at my client and asked:  What are you planting with love?  Then she turned back to look at the field of crops.  Some of the plants were growing and some weren’t.  There was just a blank space.

My client admitted that she was doing some things without love.

Then Grandma Mary flashed a picture of my client casting seeds, as if she were spinning in a circle.  She asked:  How much are you planting?

My client admitted she’s doing many things.  Some she does with complete love and joy.  Then after reflection, she said, and I’m doing some things with love, but I am frustrated that others aren’t helping me.

There’s a rub. 

I know in my own life, I’ve committed to a lot of things, and I was doing them with all of my heart.  And after a while, it frustrated me that others weren’t participating in what I perceived as wholeheartedly. I don’t really know how to do things half-heartedly. And I had moments in which I felt I was carrying the load.  My issue wasn’t with the other people.  It was with myself.  You see, I was committed to so many things and doing them all with a full heart, and I was committed to too many things, so I was tired.  Out of balance. When I am committed wholeheartedly in a balance manner, I never notice what others are or aren’t doing because I am moving forward in love of self, in love of what I’m doing, in love with others, in love with the world.  

I asked my client:  Why does it bother you that others aren’t helping as you wish they would? Do you want to commit to this thing?  Are you committed to too many things?  Are you committed in balance with love for yourself? 

She admitted that in one area of her life, she was doing too much.  Then she had an epiphany, saying:  I really love two events.  I’d like to commit to chair those events and allow someone else to step up for leadership on the board.

What fantastic clarity! 

Grandma Mary then said, I decide what I’m going to do.  Then she flashed a picture of her pressing her lips together in a firm smile, and she made me feel how grounded she was to that spot, to the Earth—to what she wants.  It was clear–no one was going to push Grandma Mary into doing something she couldn’t do with love.  Then she walked back to her garden to plant with love.

Grandma Mary provided a wonderful reflection for all of us.

What are you “planting” in your life without love?  Is this what you want to plant your energy in?  Will this energy/effort grow, bear fruit for you?  Have you scattered your energy seeds too thin?  How does this affect you?  Can you shift—choose to plant everything in your life with love, no matter what others invest?

Do others move you to plant seeds you don’t want to plant?  Is this energy working for you? Do you resent investing energy in plants that will never bear fruit for you? Is this where you want to plant your energy?

Do you have the courage to plant only what you can infuse with love?

What do you plant with wholehearted love?  How does it grow, energize you?  How does it fill your life with love?

My husband has always been a gardener.  When we were first married, I always thought of spring as the time for planting.  April showers bring May flowers, right?  He always wanted to do major planting in the Fall.  He taught me that Fall is a great time for planting too, especially trees and other plants that appreciate time to get their roots settled and acclimated and energy stored up over the Fall and Winter, so that in spring, they are fully rooted in the soil and share the most magnificent blooming in Spring. He showed me that what we plant in Fall really comes to life in Spring.

Grandma Mary reminds us that planting our lives with love is essential to growth. What seeds of love do you want to plant this Fall? 

Thanks, Grandma Mary, for this beautiful message.