I was sharing a lovely visit with my friend Susan on the Chinese New Year, and Christine shared this beautiful message. Enjoy.
You will be wanting to know more about what is in store for this new year, this new beginning, as some on your earth plane are celebrating this new year today. And so it is we are brining to you a message of love and light and hope and praise and thanksgiving. For all is in gratitude of everything you are and everything you hope to be, and everything you are creating in divine love.
For your friend (Susan) mentions passion and desire and will, and so it is that these emotions, these feelings, these perceptions are divine drivers of experience. And we honor the passage of those experiences driven, fuelled by love. As these are keen bedfellows, these emotional truths, for each of you.
And we are wanting you to know worry not over the details. You do not have to micromanage the here tos, the wherefores, the how tos. Immerse yourself in the feelings. The passions of will and grace and love.
And bask, ye in the glory of these and see what ye shall create. For not bogged down in the worry of details, ye shall create the sun. Imagine the most glorious sunsets. Yeah, these are the qualities of beauty and light ye shall create when ye live in the house of your love.
And so it is we want you to reside within.
That is right. We are directing you into your bodies to sit in the silence of your vibration and know the truth of that which brings you joy. And, yes, we know you have heard it. And, yes, we know that some of you wonder what does this mean? How does it happen? What really is supposed to happen? It makes no sense.
And so we ask you now to stop in the stillness of you and imagine that your eyes look within. We ask you to literally turn your vision, your gaze within yourself and to see that on which it falls.
Is there an area of your body that comes into your knowing? Is there a vibration, a sound, a sensation?
Begin there.
Breathe with it. Get to know it. Experience it in whatever ways you can. Allow yourself to let go. To be. To have no judgments. To simply experience the presences.
And what is it? What is this presence that calls your attention to it? What needs attendance? What needs attending?
Perhaps it is just to sit in the silence of vibration and breathe love with this part of yourself.
Perhaps there is a message or an alarm. Let go of this. Take care of that. Release. Forgive. Love.
And so it is you have shown up. And after you have attended all of the places that need noticing, what is the vibration within? What love rises up through your heart chakra?
Are you peaceful? At peace? Do you have a certain clarity? A knowing? And when you choose to arise and open your eyes, how is it that you engage anew, afresh?
What is no longer there? Notice the space that has opened up.
Do you suddenly have a desire to do something particular? An interest? How does the space feel? The space within? Do you want to suddenly fill it with something else, or can you simply be with it and know?
This is what we mean when we suggest that you look within. And notice the peace and tranquility that fills your vessel and thus frees your soul to align without the weight of the world. You have the energetic space to explore, to wonder, to create, to be, to know the truth of who you are.
This is all I have to say to you today. Open your soul to peace and love and ignite the will, the passion, and the grace that flames and fuels your future. Your New Year.
Know that you can create all your heart desires. Bury not yourself in earthly thoughts of I can’t. It’s not possible. How on Earth could I possibly . . .. Forget all of this rubbish and begin within.
Ignite your unbridled passion and desire and watch your soul fire.