Love: Quantum-Ness That Holds Everything

In response to the post Vibrational Allowing about a month ago, the following question was asked.  I feel this message also expands on the message You Are The New Frontier.  You may want to reread those in relation to reading this one. Enjoy.

How can one know the differences between the daily experience and the signs that arise that indicate the directional shift?

Fractal vision backgroundBut are they different? It is through your daily experience that signs arise. It is through the signs that arise that your daily experience emerges.

This is a chicken or egg question.

It is the exploration between the physical and non physical.

Does the experience give bloom to the divine message? Or does the message drive the daily experience? All is energy flow. They are at once. The same. It is simply a matter of what your consciousness perceives first that informs your notion of cause and affect. Energy is always there. It is simply a matter of what you bring your consciousness to first.

Whether you notice, I did this and then this happened, or this happened and then I did this.

This [perception] is an issue of understanding.

You are being guided through a shift that is so dramatic that it is confusing. We ask you to take your consciousness to the very beings of your cells. The atomic, the subatomic level.

We ask you to allow the unpacking of digital data and coding to arise. Unfold. We ask you to notice the unfolding consciously and to be aware of the full messages that flow within you. You have been given knowledge to heal on the quantum level, and you have not fully unpacked the information, so it is as if you are firing on half cylinders when the power to run on a full engine is within you.

Simone describes what she sees:  I see you looking into your body after you’ve allowed these cells to unpack and unfold. It’s like they are in these honeycomb-shaped packages that open up like those little toys that are called transformers. So the cells open up but not like a box. More like a transformation. It is definitely in honeycomb shapes, and they magically transform as if every surface transforms into some other surface. A dodecahedron-shaped cell turns into a star tetrahedron structure.

Simone can see your consciousness holding space for the unfolding of the transformer to occur, allowing for the new cells, or unpacked information, and then she is just watching them work, and they work so differently than cells used to work. I’m being shown an image that is like a movie in a science class and like Disney world in the body video when it shows the cells moving forward, in and out, jockeying like they are on a freeway, and it (the image) shifts from that to a dimensional energy if you can imagine that freeway like jockeying of movement blowing up dimensionally. A blood vessel like a freeway and everything pops up and its more like a swirling energy, that doesn’t just move forward, but it moves on multiple planes, spinning and swirling, in a geometrical way. And the colors, at first were red, greens and blue, but in the second image, as cells pop up dimensionally, the colors are more like the colors that you would see in a bubble. The shades are constantly changing into other shades and sparkling and then going into other shades. Then transforming into a swirl, and a wave of energy.

And as you are noticing this with your conscious mind, you are getting a download of energy. It is like type written text that is scrolling through your brain. It is like claircognizance. It [the text, the information] is just flowing in like a ticker tape, just downloading.

If you want to capture it, you have the potential to just observe it and memorize/know, but you also have the ability to type, as if in dictation.

You can also use these tapes, these downloads, to heal others as well. Just sharing this information you will be radiating this new light. As you radiate this new light you will have the consciousness that once I was that, and now I am this. You know that you can now do these other things that you couldn’t really do before. It is all just there like magic. And the whole time I am watching you, your whole body is just glowing light.

Many people have experienced similar downloads or upgrades in their cellular structures and have yet to open the quantum information packets. Some don’t know they even exist. Others know of the existence but have not perceived themselves at that level capable or special enough. Anyone who is finding this information has to some degree or another received, integrated energy that may still be untapped.

I encourage you all to allow for your quantum-ness to unfold, to unpack, to come alive and shine from within you.

For some of you, this will shift your energy into a noticeable glow. Some of you will become conscious of information, knowledge, and new experiences. That is to say that you will engage with the allowing in different ways. The manifestations within you will blossom in distinct ways, distinct, yet nonetheless powerful in and of its own right.

Know this. There is no one way. There is no textbook case. While there may be some similar flows here and there, you are receiving the light of your own divineness, distinct in its beauty and its love. Love none the less.

Love is an interesting quality as its manifestations are as diverse as kaleidoscopes swirling, and yet no matter the manifestation, the vibration of love is distinct and known and felt and seen or noticed.

And so it is.

We encourage you to notice the vibration of love everywhere you are as it is there. It is showing me the vibration of love is on the cellular level of everything. Love is the quantumness that holds everything, energetic structure of all energy and movement.

Always there are various shades.

Sometimes it is in me. Sometimes it’s the super structure and always present. It is just a matter of being present and noticing it (the vibration of love). This is what we want you to know.